The Hotel Monteleone: Where Luxury Stays Infused With The Paranormal

Learn more about the ghostly history of disturbing activity at Hotel Monteleone, one of New Orleans’ iconic haunted hotels. The Hotel Monteleone is a must-visit for history and ghost lovers.

New Orleans is a city rich in history and with a dash of the metaphysical, and the Hotel Monteleone is one of those places that connects these two worlds perfectly. 

It is famous for its luxury charm but is often regarded as one of the most active hotels in New Orleans on the paranormal activity spectrum. With a reputation for having many ghost stories, The Monteleone is presented as a historic piece of New Orleans’ haunted past, accompanied by world-class service.

The Hotel Monteleone: Where Luxury Stays Infused With The Paranormal
The Hotel Monteleone: Where Luxury Stays Infused With The Paranormal

Elegance And Tragedy Turned Into Tales

Antonio Monteleone started this hotel in 1886 after coming to America from Italy. Step by step, it grew from a family-owned establishment into one of the city’s finest hotels. 

But every glamorous story has a background; in this case, tragedy gets turned into hauntingly spooky tales.

Eerie happenings have been shared consistently by the guests and staff alike, from phantom footfalls resounding in deserted corridors to doors opening and closing unaided. 

Some narratives propose that the spirits lingering in the hotel are previous guests and staff members who were so infatuated by the Hotel Monteleone that they chose to remain there even in the afterlife.

Paranormal Hotspots in the Hotel

The non-existent 14th floor.

The most notorious area in the Hotel Monteleone must be the 14th floor. It is known that some hotels do not build a 13th floor because it is ill-fated. 

This usually comes as a nasty surprise for the unsuspecting tourists. The usufructuaries of this floor often report hearing strange sounds, lights turning on and off, and feeling cold drafts in the air. 

Some guests have gone as far as to state that they saw blurry shapes move in their rooms or felt a strange presence in their spaces.

The Ghost of Maurice Begere:

One of the most enduringly praised spectral figures associated with the hotel is that of Maurice Begere, a young boy who passed away in the hotel in the late nineteenth century. 

As the tale goes, Maurice’s parents left him with a nanny when they went to the opera. Unfortunately, he developed a fever and died. 

It is said that he now haunts the hotel, deeply saddened, especially in the area surrounding the room where he died. 

Numerous guests have claimed to see a boy who appears lost, only to vanish in front of them moments later. 

The Hotel Monteleone: Where Luxury Stays Infused With The Paranormal
The Hotel Monteleone: Where Luxury Stays Infused With The Paranormal

The Carousel Bar

Like many other regions of this town, the hotel in question is famous for its Carousel Bar, the rotating bar at the hotel, which is well-known to both locals and tourists alike. 

However, it is said that the bar sits in one of the most haunted regions of the hotel. 

Once in a while, customers report having been touched lightly on the shoulder or overheard soft giggling, even in cases when no one was present at all. 

Many theories exist regarding the spirits at the bar, with the most popular one claiming that the ghosts are simply enjoying the vibrant spirit of the living.

Also Read: The Creepy LaLaurie Mansion: The Most Terrifying Story in New Orleans

Visiting Hotel Monteleone

First, New Orleans is a beautiful city, and one of its most stunning landmarks is the Hotel Monteleone. 

The hotel is well renowned due to the horrific haunting that surrounds it, which turns out to have been fascinating instead. 

The hotel’s historicity is an added bonus, along with its location in the French Quarter and modern facilities provided by the hotel. 

In parapsychology, there is always a chance to experience the ghostly saga of the hotel. For cost-conscious travelers, this can be done quickly.

Even if you are not checking the hotel for the night, you may grab a few drinks at the carousel bar or take a ghostly walk tour. Sightings of spirits add to the attraction, which makes it even more enjoyable.

Why Hotel Monteleone is So Fascinating

There are hundreds of ghostly hotels worldwide, but the profound history surrounding Hotel Monteleone is astonishing. 

The uniqueness of decor, hospitality, and supernatural happenings makes it a famous place for all ages. 

The Monteleone Hotel never fails to create an everlasting memory for those who visit for luxury, lore, or both.

Remember this on your next trip to New Orleans: the Hotel Monteleone. It has an unparalleled beauty alongside its fantastic ghost stories. 

I am sure that when you leave the city, you will carry a new ghost story with you. It will be a snapshot of the city’s vibrant cultural and paranormal domain blended into one.

Also Read: St. Louis Cemetery No. 1: New Orleans’ City of the Dead

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